Çavuşoğlu Mah. Kartal, İstanbul


+90 534 031 9575

EPDM Rubber Seals and Gaskets

Since 2014, EPDM Rubber Gasket and Seals has been the number one source for rubber seal products, including extruded rubber gaskets and seals.

Why Our Products

We at EPDM Rubber Seals

EPDM Rubber Seals

Specialists in EPDM rubber seals manufacturing, delivering precision-engineered solutions for various industries worldwide.

Aluminium Rubber Seals

Experts in manufacturing aluminum rubber seals, providing innovative solutions for sealing needs across industries globally.

EPDM Rubber Gaskets

Premier manufacturer of EPDM rubber gaskets, delivering top-quality sealing solutions for diverse industrial requirements.

Concrete Pipe Seals

Leading producer of concrete pipe seals, offering reliable solutions for effective pipe sealing in construction projects worldwide.

Best In Below

Our Products

Automatic Door Seals

Specialists in automatic door seal manufacturing, providing cutting-edge solutions for seamless and efficient door sealing.

Garage Door Seals

Top-tier manufacturer of garage door seals, ensuring premium quality and durability for optimal protection and insulation.

PVC Pipe Seals

Industry-leading manufacturer of PVC pipe seals, delivering reliable solutions for efficient sealing in various piping applications.

GRP Pipe Seals

Specialized in GRP pipe seals manufacturing, offering high-quality solutions for effective sealing in diverse piping systems.

Have a Products in mind?

Discover superior EPDM rubber seals manufactured with precision and reliability. Trust us for your sealing solutions.


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Stay informed on our latest developments and products in EPDM rubber seals manufacturing. Your satisfaction is our priority.

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